For the first time in the history of the US presidential election, an IT-related issue tops the list of candidates' concerns, and becomes a subject of public debate and debate before other usual electoral issues, such as unemployment and jobs, security, and political and living issues.

The issue of the future of the five major technology companies, known as JAVAM companies, namely Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon and Microsoft, has begun to dominate discussions among presidential candidates. Democrats, whose views on the issue ranged from strengthening antitrust laws, further restricting the five companies, and dismantling them into two or three.

This happened during the fourth debate organized by the network «CNN» recently among 12 candidates from the Democratic Party for the US presidency, and the issue of «dismantling Jaffam», took an upward trend during the debate, as it is affecting the lives of Americans, and millions around the world, through its Services and products, and the influence they have, are based on the interlocking of interests between the five companies, making them tend to become a monopoly power.

Candidates presented diverse views on this issue as follows:

Elizabeth Warren

Senator Elizabeth Warren is one of the strongest advocates of the dismantling of the companies «JAFAM», and the transformation of each into smaller companies, and believes that they are in a position similar to the position of the major oil monopolies in the past.

She pledged to stop receiving donations from technology executives, and considered the candidate with the most clear and specific plans to dismantle technology companies, and the most provocative candidate for technology companies, and said that its management will pass legislation that will prevent companies from owning both the "platform and participants", namely The case is very clear for Amazon, which acts as a seller and a platform vendor.

Bernie Sanders

Candidate Bernie Sanders agrees with Warren, asserting that he has his own plan that will remove the huge central power from the five big tech companies, because they now have a large and dangerous power, a problem for American society, and announced a plan that all large companies will be partly owned by workers. .

Andrew Young

Candidate Andrew Young believes technical monopolies are a problem, but he said Elizabeth Warren's plan used the 20th-century antitrust framework and would therefore not work. He believed some technology companies should be divided and suggests Silicon Valley companies to dismantle itself.

Beto O'Rourke

Candidate Beto O'Rourke does not support the dismantling of technology companies, saying he does not believe the role of a president or presidential candidate is to identify companies that will be dismantled, and explained that he tends to develop stronger regulations to protect privacy and antitrust.

Tom Steyr

Candidate Tom Steyr believes technology companies should be dismantled, or at least regulated, but he has been hesitant about the implications for the US economy.

Butigg House

Candidate Pete Petegeg refused to identify specific companies for dismantling, but expressed concern about the rise of monopolies and said he had deep concerns about privacy and data ownership.

Joe Biden

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former US Vice President Barack Obama said on Monday he was open to dismantling big tech companies and strongly criticized Facebook, but did not elaborate.

Amy Klopochar

Candidate Amy Klopochar said she would not dismantle companies, but would impose antitrust legislation and strengthen the role of the Federal Trade Commission and the Justice Department to ensure free competition.

Julian Castro

Candidate Julian Castro has cracked down on technology companies, calling for a stronger position when it comes to suppressing monopolistic business practices, as well as taking a firm stand with Amazon in particular.

Tulsi Gabbard

Candidate Tulsi Gabbard praised Elizabeth Warren's plan and said she would introduce similar legislation, stressing that big tech companies are abusing their power, especially Facebook, Google and Amazon.

Michael Bennett

Candidate Michael Bennett agrees with other candidates calling for antitrust legislation and strengthening the role of the Justice Department, stressing that each company is different, so they should all be examined to see if they should be split.

Steve Bullock

Candidate Steve Bullock focused on making sure that these companies pay their taxes without loopholes, noting that Amazon did not pay any taxes last year.

John Delaney

Candidate John Delaney reiterated his support for increased regulation and modernization of antitrust laws, but not with the dismantling of large technology companies, and said there was more work to be done about privacy and giving consumers access to their data.

Tim Ryan

Candidate Tim Ryan has made it clear that he does not oppose the dismantling of major technology companies, as they do not meet the necessary standards about privacy.

Marianne Williamson

Candidate Marianne Williamson said she had no problem with the idea of ​​dividing some of these companies, because they had become too giant, which could hinder young entrepreneurs who might include another Mark Zuckerberg, or another Jeff Bezos.

The decision of the Attorney General

Candidate Senator Kamala Harris believes that the decision to dismantle big tech companies should be in the hands of the Attorney General. “We need a president with the courage to appoint a public attorney to take over these huge monopolies, protect small businesses, and protect consumers, by ending the pricing that We see it every day. ”

Intertwined interests

Candidate Corey Booker spoke about the danger of a tangle of interests between big corporations and the need to fight it, but he does not support the idea of ​​dismantling and division, and the best alternative sees the appointment of a public attorney tasked with law enforcement with regard to antitrust, while strengthening the role of the Ministry of Justice in this regard.