
Pharmacies in medically vulnerable areas are allowed to sell specialty prescriptions without a hospital prescription. Pharmacies have been discovered that have used these exceptions to make a bunch of medicines or sell drugs that are out of date.

I am a reporter.


A pharmacy in Yeoncheon, Gyeonggi-do. A large amount of dispensed medicine is packed in the dispensing room.

[(Did you make it here?) Yes, open a bag like this… ]

The same is true of another pharmacy in Paju.

[In advance, you said you did it quickly, but you shouldn't.]

At a pharmacy in Gimpo, drugs that were out of date have been caught.

[The usage period is December 31, 2018. It's been almost a year now.]

As a result, Gyeonggi-do Special Judicial Police inspected 10 pharmacy exceptions in northern Gyeonggi Province, and found 13 violations, including preliminary dispensing and expiration of drugs.

Some pharmacies have prepared prescription drugs for 57 days and 280 days for nourishment tonic.

[Caught pharmacy officials: we return and discard after the expiration date. I left it like this to do that. I didn't mean to use it.]

In addition, they were caught breaking the rules that should not be advertised as a medical division exception pharmacy.