In a major research project to predict future jobs, involving scientists, academic researchers and experts from different disciplines and sectors, the new jobs related to information technology acquired 54 out of 100 future jobs.

Future jobs were predicted as part of a research project carried out by Griffith University and Deakin University in partnership with Ford. The project lasted more than a year, during which dozens of meetings and discussions were held between scientists and researchers familiar with current and expected developments in the fields. The team published details of these jobs on a project site called 100

Information Technology

The UAE Today has reviewed the list of 100 potential jobs that will emerge in the future. It has been shown that information technology will have the largest share of these jobs. The list has registered 54 jobs that are either directly related to the ICT industry itself, or will be created in various sectors such as medicine, healthcare and construction. Engineering, aviation, transportation systems, trade and retail, home life, applications and products, areas of education and self-learning, personal life, agriculture, environment and manufacturing sector especially self-driving vehicles.

Prominent areas

The IT functions included some of the most prominent areas that have acquired more than one future job, including data-related jobs, which included Data Broker, Data Storage Solution Designer, Data Privacy Strategist and Recycling Specialist. Data Waste ”,“ Data-Based Medical Diagnostics ”and“ Forensic Data Analyst ”.

In the field of artificial intelligence, there are some functions such as: «teacher of artificial intelligence», and «specialist robots specialized in assisting the child», where the study expects that robots will help children to play safely, as these robots can be customized and programmed to suit family preferences and values And the rules of education.

Significant functions

The function of the Automated System Anomaly Analyzer, a specialist in automated analysis of anomalies that can occur in AI algorithms, has also emerged and processed to better suit people's needs.

There is also a "memory improvement specialist" that increases people's ability to work and remember by implanting digital slides in the body.

Another striking feature is the nostalgia specialist for those who want to live in environments designed to showcase the past and visit it through virtual and augmented reality technologies.

Future IT related jobs:

1. Teacher of artificial intelligence

2. Translator algorithms

3. Automatic transport systems troubleshooter

4. Analyzer «anomalies» automated systems

5. Designer self-driving car profile

6. Predictive behavior analyzer

7. Specialist nostalgia systems for the past

8. Biosecurity solutions engineer

9. Dynamic printing engineer

10. Talent Analyzer with block chains

11. Senior Digital Booster Officers

12. Specialist of robots software «Boots» to help the child

13. Specialist of Cyber ​​Psychology

14. Data Broker

15. Data storage solutions designer

16. Data privacy strategy

17. Data farmer or farmer

18. Data Waste Recycling Specialist

19. Data-based medical diagnostic specialist

20. Decision support factor

21. Digital Apiaries Specialist

22. Digital designer for transplanted organs

23. Specialist Digital Monuments and Archives

24. Specialist troubleshooting and repair

25. Regulated airspace for drones

26. Drones experiments designer

27. Installer power and data systems

28. Specialist in micro-biotechnology cleaners

29. A moral pirate

30. Forensic Data Analyst

31. Virtual Chaos Organizer

32. Designer tactile techniques

33. Director of Innovation

34. Integrated home technology broker

35. Machine learning developer

36. Mechatronics Engineer

37. Designer of huge 3D buildings

38. Remix Media Mixing Specialist

39. Memory Improvement Specialist

40. Designer multi-sensory experience

41. Medical Engineer

42. Personal Brand Manager and Content Coordinator

43. Quantitative computer programmer

44. Virtual Reality Transport Store Manager

45. Robot Ethics Specialist

46. ​​Robot Mechanic

47. Satellite Network Maintenance Engineer

48. Director of shadows technology institutions

49. Intelligent dust expert

50. Drones squadrons artist

51. An innovative virtual reality experience

52. Personalized PDA designer

53. Virtual Surgeon

54. Digital waste specialist