The Secretary of State's candidacy said, "If you open the National Assembly's Personnel Hearing tomorrow, I will immediately attend and tell you all one by one."

Mr. Cho went to work at the Jeonsun Modern Building, Jepsun-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul, where the personnel hearing office was held today (19th), saying, "I am well aware of my current family and allegations about the past." Is very different. I will reveal it in front of the representatives of the people. ”

Mr. Cho added, "We will announce the policy and vision that we would like to unveil soon after being appointed as the Minister of Justice, as promised in the affairs of the Justice Minister."

Mr. Cho is receiving suspicions about his family's camouflage divorce, his brother's former wife, and his candidate's wife's wife's camouflage.

(Video coverage: Kim Nam-sung, Video editing: Eunkyung Lee)