'What I searched a few days ago is still featured video!'
'In SNS, everyone agrees with me.'

Lately, we spend a lot of time watching content on our mobile phones anytime, anywhere. The algorithm first shows posts from friends with similar opinions to me on the timeline, keeps ads that I'm interested in searching for or buying, advertises, and shows a video that's similar to, or slightly more irritating to, Is a video to watch.

Did you just think that you're just passing by, or it's weird, it's a little creepy, it's bad?

"I'll find the best one for you," and the algorithm provides different content for different people. Choose what I think you'll like. So that we can stay on that platform longer, so that the platform can sell more ads based on the time it stays, and that's money.

As we come to see 'what I like, like opinions', I think everyone thinks about me, and I don't know and think away from me. Without knowing, 'Is this really my idea'?

● trapped in a bubble

Eli Pariser, head of the American civic group 'Moveon', gave the phenomenon a 'filter bubble'. We're warned that we're trapped in the bubble that the algorithm creates, and we're only seeing the world with that filter. My idea is that you can't get inside the bubble. Eli Fraser calls this my universe of information. My filter bubble gives you information based on who you are and what you've done on the Internet.

The problem is that this 'my information universe' is far from 'balance'. Seeing the frivolous 'world I love but not necessarily seeing' narrows our eyesight and makes us more likely to be surrounded by information junk food instead of a balanced information diet. You see a lot, but you don't diversify your perspective.

The problem is that I cannot decide what to incorporate into my universe and what to edit. How the algorithm works, Internet companies aren't open, so we don't know exactly how.

In addition to Eli Fraser, scholars and entrepreneurs such as Bill Gates and J.Nep.

What's the problem with less chance to see 'different opinions from me'? It is because democracy cannot function without proper information. If we lose the advantages that the Internet has given us in the beginning—connecting with different people and being able to hear everyone's voices easily—and split us up further, are we going to question this situation and see if there is a better way? Shouldn't you ask?

#SDF 2019 #Start of change #Is this really what I think?

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