
The conflict between Korea and Japan is causing various wavelengths. Kolmar Korea's boycott came to the top of the Internet search terms all day after it was announced that the chairman had a YouTube video criticizing our government's response at the time of employees. Some of the companies that are being delivered are said to have asked Kolmar to cancel the contract.

I'm Bae Joon-woo.


This is a list of Kolmar's cosmetic products that are rapidly spreading on the Internet and SNS.

Not only its own brand but also the names of domestic large cosmetic companies that receive raw materials are shared and updated frequently.

This list of boycotts was shared because Chairman Yoon Dong-han, former president of Korea Kolmar, made a controversy over a YouTube video of political biases and end-times in a monthly inquiry gathered by employees.

Even though the company went to an official apple, it was a reaction to the unclear explanation that it was intended to have a sense of history.

There are many small and medium exporters on the boycott list, making the cosmetics industry nervous.

[People in the cosmetics industry: Because only raw materials or products are manufactured and delivered to brand companies, if boycotts are inflicted, the damage is harmed by SMEs and cosmetic companies that export.]

Some companies that receive raw materials of Kolmar Korea are reportedly required to break the contract.

Kolmar Korea reiterated that it was only Yoon's personal opinion and did not agree with the entire video.

However, it has actually forced employees to watch videos containing political biases and endings.

(Image editing: Kim Jong-mi)