
Since the Anti-bullying Law was enforced, SBS has set up a separate corner on the Internet to receive your comments. In the meantime, I received a notice from the company that I was accepted, and there was a story of a job-seeker as long as the pass was canceled for a reason that was difficult to understand.

Reporter Kim Min-jung will give you more details.


This job preparation student received a notice of acceptance from a sports company in April.

But the joy was also heard for a while, after only four days, the pass was canceled.

[Employment canceled job preparation: I said it was absurd and passed my parents and other friends, but I had to worry about what to say ... .]

It was difficult to understand why the passing of the pass.

[Recruitment canceled: I was contacted by the director that there were too few applicants at this time.

Flipping passengers who ring job seekers frequently happens.

Some survey results show that 30% of job seekers experienced unilateral cancellation, but it does not mean that there are no remedial procedures at all.

[Yong Woo Attorney / Mindan Labor Relations Commission: It is the attitude of the present case to recognize the establishment of the labor contract after the announcement of the recruitment and notification of final acceptance. (If the job is canceled), you can file a lawsuit against the court to invalidate the dismissal, and you can file an unfair dismissal remedy with the Labor Relations Commission.]

Nevertheless, it is because of the time and expense that rare jobseekers are bringing up the problem, and if it is known that the problem is raised, it can be disadvantageous to employment.

In order to prevent the company from unilaterally canceling the recruitment, institutional devices are required. However, the revised recruitment procedure fairness laws prohibit false recruitment and recruitment requests.

In the case of job seekers, it is pointed out that it is necessary to supplement the system that can prevent the hiring of the employer as it is in a difficult position to voice against the company.

(Image coverage: Jeong Sung Hwa and Dae Young Park, Editing of image: Park Jinhoon, VJ: Jung Young Sam)