
The denomination in which the fame church belongs is called the "hereditary prevention law", and there is a law that a retired pastor's family can not assume the pastoral position again. There has been a controversy over the past two years as to whether or not this law has been violated.

It is Kim Ki-tae.


The jurisdiction of the Korean Presbyterian Church Presbyteries has decided to nullify the appointment of pastor Kim, who is the son of pastor Kim,

After about six and a half hours of marathon meetings, we decided to reverse the decision in August of last year and confirm the succession of the rich man.

Pastor Kim Ha Na has served as pastor of Myeongseong Church since 2017 following his father who retired in 2015.

The Presbyterian Church in which the fame church belongs has a hereditary protection law that prevents a family member of a "retired" minister from assuming the position of pastor.

Pastor Kim Ha-na has argued that he was not a hereditary hero after his father retired for nearly two years.

The Myeongseong Church is one of the largest churches in Korea with a population of 100,000 and an annual contribution of tens of billions of won.

Christians and civil society groups welcomed the decision as an opportunity to eradicate religion.

On the other hand, the pastor Kim Hae-sung has filed a complaint to abolish the "Anti-Patriotic Act" itself.

The controversy is still alive when the proclamation is revoked at next month's general assembly, when the Mongolian church may appoint Pastor Kim.