
It was hot at night and I switched on and off the air conditioner and fan, and sleeping is nowadays.

Thousands of generations suffered from the inconvenience caused by the old transformer in the apartment complex.


An apartment complex in Goyang yesterday evening.

I have not tried nine at night, but it's not just the whole light.

More than 2,400 households suffered severe discomfort until dawn due to over 6 hours of blackouts.

[Oh Hyun-min / Apartment residents: It's hot and tropical, but I can not sleep well. I think the refrigerator is the biggest problem.]

Residents protested at the sudden power outage.

[Apartment residents: I would not have done this beforehand.]

The transformer had been replaced about 10 years ago, but it is out of place in the old underground power plant.

[Person in charge of the management office: We thought that the electric facility was safe when we added the transformer. But the electric room does not have a good environment.]

Last year, 320 households out of four apartment buildings in Ganseok-dong in Incheon were shut down due to old facilities.

As a result of the KEPCO survey, electricity consumption per household has more than tripled from 20 years ago, but the capacity of old transformers is still about one third of the demand.

I need to improve apartment power facilities at the expense of the residents themselves.

There are also many opinions that differ between residents who are considering rebuilding and those who are not.

My house or borrowing is so different from my position that the summer midday night power outage is an old homework that is not easy to solve.

(Image coverage: installation circle, image editing: Oh Young Taek)