
It is the reaction of our people criticizing the Japanese economic retaliation. On the evening of the weekend (20th), 1,000 citizens gathered in front of the Embassy of Japan in Jongno-gu, Seoul to hold a candlelight vigil.

Baekun reporter covered the scene.


In front of the Japanese Embassy in Jongno-gu, Seoul, a candle lit with a hand sign saying "NO ABE" was in the hands of the citizens.

[The Abe government is condemned! The Abe government is condemned!]

At around 6 pm this evening, more than 1,000 civilians from 101 organizations gathered around the Japanese Embassy Peace Girls Award to pour out criticism of Japan and Abe on economic retaliation.

[Kim Min-woong / Professor, Kyunghee University Future civilization professor: To make illegal acts illegal, to make them compensate for illegal activities, this is what we have to do.]

Participants in the rally demanded Japan to apologize to the victims and make reasonable compensation.

There was also a voice calling for Japanese boycotts.

[Kim Jong Hoon / Minshuto MP: Almost all of the big business is Japanese money. (Our common people money) It is that Japan that is going to detain, everybody.]

For the Korean government, we demanded a decisive response, such as destroying the Korea-Japan military information protection agreement.

He also insisted on returning the billion yen he received during the comfort women's agreement, and making sure that the agreement is destroyed.

Participants finished the rally with a performance of tearing over the top of the head.

(Image coverage: Kim Tae-hoon, Image editing: Won Hyunghee)

▶ Review additional retaliation ... If we win the election tomorrow (21st)
▶ I went to Japan to travel to 'Disgrace' ... "Mature boycott needs"