Enable icon functionality in Gmail

If you are a user of the Arabic web version of the Gmail mail platform, you can take advantage of the icons on the top right of the screen by first logging in to your account, then clicking on the icon that looks like three vertical dots to consider all messages Received by you are read.

You can also select any message by clicking inside the small box to the right, then clicking the previous icon to show more actions to it, adding it to tasks, reading unread or not important, or ignoring it.

Click the icon that looks like a semi-circle ending with a arrow, to update the mail, and access the latest messages that you received. You can also click on an icon that looks like a small square, and you have two options. First, select all conversations on the first page of the Mailbox, in order to take actions together with their messages, or select all conversations on all pages of the mailbox you're viewing.

Hide folders in the Start menu

If you are a Windows 10 user, you can select the folders that you want to hide on the Start menu by clicking the Start menu at the far right of the screen, then pointing to the end of the left side of the new window, and click Click the Settings button in white.

Scroll through the left side of the screen until you reach the tab: Start and click it, then go to the right side of the screen, scroll to near the end of the screen, and click the option: choose which folders appear on start.

You'll see a new window that includes the default set of folders that appear on the Start menu, and here you go through them and when you reach the folder you do not like. Move the cursor underneath it from "On" on the right to "Off" to the left until the blue disappears.

If you find a folder you want to appear in the Start menu, move the cursor beneath it from left to right.