
The arrest warrant for Robert Harley, who was caught in the police on charges of drug use, has been dismissed. The court ruled that there is no need for a criminal investigation.

I am a journalist.


Broadcasters Robert Harley and Hail, who were present at the court in order to receive a warrant review, get off the car with their hat and mask cloaked.

The question of whether to acknowledge the allegations was tantamount to questioning the reporter and he bowed his head.

[Hail (Robert Harley) / Broadcaster: I would like to say sorry to my family, friends and people. I'm sorry. I feel heavy.]

He was picked up by police late last week on charges of buying drugs online.

The police who seized Ha's home secured one syringe which was seen to be used for the methamphetamine dose in the back of the toilet.

I also confirmed that I sent hundreds of thousands of won to the suspicious account of the drug sales book.

Police have filed a warrant for overnight arrest on Friday (August 9) when a positive test was conducted on a simple drug test.

He is reported to have been taking drugs alone at the beginning of this month in a police investigation.

He was arrested on charges of drug abuse last March.

However, the court dismissed the warrant, saying that there was no fear of destroying the evidence and that it was difficult for housing to recognize the necessity of redemption.

The police will also investigate whether there was an accomplice along with Mr. Ha's drug purchases, and the dispute will be inevitable as the warrant is rejected.

(Video coverage: Kim Myung-koo, Editing video: Jang Hyun-Ki, VJ: Na Jae-min)