
Next, I will focus on the case of Kim, who is investigating again in five years. In this investigation, Kim Hak-a's former vice-minister will look into the allegations that he received a bribe, but it is also a matter of confirming whether the past investigation into the alleged sexual crimes was properly conducted. Our coverage team reviewed past investigations and found it difficult to understand.

First, it is Han Soo Hee.


Lee, who stated in the police investigation in 2013 of the sexual assault damage, says he heard this in the prosecution investigation.

[Lee Mo (August 2018 interview): Did not the police tell me to say this, did the police write the contents as they asked me to do, I started this kind of stuff.]

The investigation said that the police had to ignore the statement and ignored the fact that it was not sexual violence but an economic reason that tried to escape from the builder Yun Jung -

I have said this about Yoon's violent behavior.

[Lee Mo (August 2018 interview): Yoon Jung-chun is not a crime, but sexuality. That's what I'm telling you to do. "

I asked her if she did not mention the person's statement about the circumstances of sexual violence, and the evidence such as the photos she submitted was not reflected in the investigation at all.

[Mr. Lee (interviewed in August, 2018): The evidence I made is that the material can not be written. I can not write it as evidence.]

I have been sexually abused several times and why I did not report it.

[Mr. Lee (Interview in August 2018): A virgin, if a big girl goes there, of course she is going to sleep with a man.

Lee talked about the sexual assaults of other members of the ruling class besides Yun and Kim in the prosecution investigation, but neither of them was accepted.

(Image coverage: Kim Tae-hoon, Image editing: Yumira)