Major League Baseball Cardinals player Lars Nootvah hit three hits, including two bases, in a game against Masanao Yoshida's Red Sox on the 14th, all of which led to runs scored and contributed to the team's three-game winning streak.

Nootvar, who started the game in Boston, home of the Red Sox, hit a two-base hit down the left field line in his first at-bat and hit a timely homer to the next batter.

In the second at-bat of the second inning, it was a liner to left, but Yoshida caught the ball while backing up.

In the third at-bat, he hit a first-base hit, and in the fourth at-bat of the sixth inning, he extended his chances with a hit from first base with one out to beat the third baseman, and then returned home again in a timely manner.

In addition, in the fifth at-bat of the eighth inning, he hit a two-base hit directly over the left field fence to score an extra run homer, and in the sixth at-bat of the ninth inning, it was a pitcher's goro.

Nootvar went 1-for-1 with both hits to left field, raising his batting average to the 2-for-2 range again.

Red Sox Yoshida 4-for-<> no-hitter

On the other hand, Yoshida, who entered the game at second and left field for the Red Sox, was hit by an infield pitcher until the third at-bat by Mikolas, who also played for the professional baseball giants.

In his fourth at-bat, he had a chance to get on base with two outs in the seventh inning, chasing five runs, and he couldn't catch the fastball of the relief pitcher from this inning and fell on a fly to left.

Yoshida threw a four-hit no-hitter and his batting average fell below 2, going 3-for-4 with 5 walks.

The Cardinals won the game, 7-2, and this is the third straight win on the card.