Anicet Mbida 06:52 am, 15 May 2023

Anicet Mbida gives us every morning what is best in innovation. This Monday, he is interested in the new space station in preparation that should introduce a novelty inspired by science fiction, the simulation of gravity.

Today's innovation sets out to conquer space. A new space station is in preparation. And it should introduce a novelty inspired by science fiction.

A novelty called "gravity simulation". Clearly: an area in which we will no longer be weightless. Where we can stand and walk like on earth. And where we will no longer be floating permanently.

Why is this important? Because in weightlessness, most of our back and leg muscles are no longer used. As a result, they end up atrophy. That's why astronauts regularly exercise on the International Space Station. But despite this, you may have seen the images of Thomas Pesquet emerging from the capsule on a stretcher, forced to remain in a wheelchair for several days upon his return to Earth. Well, with a space station that can simulate gravity, it will be over. Astronauts will be able to stay weightless for months without losing muscle mass.

How does it work? How do we reproduce Earth's gravity in space?

With the principle of the centrifuge: the workpiece is rotated at full speed in a wheel, which ends up pinning those on the ground and recreating gravity. This is what had already been imagined with the Ferris wheel in the film 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Except that it is very difficult to achieve on the scale of an entire space station. So in the concept imagined by Airbus, it will simply be a tiny room the size of a phone booth where astronauts can do their gym or perform experiments that require gravity.

Why a new International Space Station? What will become of the current one?

It will be decommissioned, as they say. You should know that its first components were installed in 2013 with a lifespan of 15 years. Today, they are reaching the end of their lives. As a result, the station will be abandoned and dismantled at the end of 2030.

However, the countries that manage it want to continue experimentation and research in space. This is why we are thinking about new concepts of space stations, more modern, and with more comfort for astronauts... history of preparing more distant space travel.