Masanao Yoshida of the MLB Red Sox threw a five-hit no-hitter against the Braves and ended his hitting streak at 5.

Yoshida started the game against the Braves in Atlanta on the 9th as the second and left fielder.

Yoshida continued to hit well, but on the day, he struggled with the slow pitching of the opposing starter, Morton, and in the first at-bat of the first inning, he jammed a fastball and hit a third fly, and in the second at-bat of the third inning, he had a chance at third base with no outs, and the curve was not timed and he collapsed into an empty strikeout.

The third at-bat of the fifth inning was a third goro, and even after the pitcher was replaced, he was struck out by a short ball and a second goro, and his consecutive hits stopped at "2" in the no-hitter since the 1th of last month, and his batting average dropped to 1 for 3.

The Red Sox lost 2-5.

Cardinals' Lars Nootvar hit a solo home run in Seiya Suzuki's game against the Cubs.

The game was played in Chicago, home of the Cubs, and Nootvar started the game at No. 3 and hit a solo home run in the second at-bat of the third inning of a 18-16 inning, although his first at-bat was a center fielder.

In the third at-bat of the fourth inning, he tried to bunt but the pitcher was bored, in the fourth at-bat of the seventh inning, he was a foreball, and in the fifth at-bat of the ninth inning, he went 3-for-8 with one hit and one RBI, bringing his batting average to 3.9.1.

The Cubs' Suzuki started the game with a foreball in the fifth, a strikeout in the first at-bat, a strikeout in the second, a big hit with two outs in the third, but it was a left fly and a foreball in the fourth.

Suzuki threw two no-hitters and two foreballs to drop his batting average to 1/1/1.

The Cardinals won the game, 1-3, to snap their first three-game winning streak of the season, while the Cubs lost their third straight game.