This weekend, the cross-country world cup will be held in Estonia, when for the first time equal conditions for herding will be tested. That is, all nations must use the same gear and products.

The goal of the project is to cut costs and reduce the resource gap between the large and small nations, NRK writes.

For Sweden, this will mean a greatly reduced vallastab, and the valla truck will stay at home. Only four whalers will go to Estonia, on a regular World Cup weekend there are up to ten whalers with.

Will herd together in a gymnasium

The actives may also have a limited number of skis with them and the ramparts must use a certain type of products that the organizer provides the national teams with.

"It's going to be a flour-free herding, we're going to apply these products in a special way and do it together with the other nations in a big gymnasium, as I understand it.

Then you will see what everyone else is doing, you tend to be quite secretive?

"Yes, but since there is coercion on the methods and products, there are no secrets really," says Mylback.

How much trickier will it be for you?

"I don't think it will be that much trickier, it's an easier way to work, it becomes crystal clear what we're going to do, now we have a million different methods and options we ski with, I think it's going to be a pretty soft weekend for us herders.

"That injustice is not negotiated away"

Myhlback says that it is an interesting approach, but that the basic problem of the valla dominance of large nations cannot be addressed.

"The big basic advantage that large nations have is that you have basic materials that are very good and even and it doesn't get any better from this, that injustice is not negotiated away, we have very good skis with us to Tallin, but the products and methods there will be the same," he says and continues:

"The only thing I'm absolutely sure of is that the future will be flour-free, then whether we mature for it now or in a year or two, I don't know.