Johannes Thingnes Bö has been superb this season. Behind that, the rest of the world's elite have hunted, including Sebastian Samuelsson.

"You can see it in two ways, either you get scared and think that's really hard, or you just have to clench your fist and try to think about how you're going to beat him and I'm absolutely convinced that it's possible to beat him.

Now the 25-year-old will train on a new method to be able to beat the superior Norwegian.

"Something I've noticed during the winter is how extremely good he is at lying on in the track up to the mat, he (Johannes Thingnes Bö) is at very far in and keeps the same speed the whole lap. I think that's one thing that you have to train a lot on this summer, not to turn off the intervals too early but to drive all the way in," says Samuelsson and continues.

"The best seem to do it"

It's not just Thignes Bö that Samuelsson has to learn from, he says.

"The best ones seem to do it, he definitely does, I ran a chase start with Fillon Maillet, he's also very far in so I think I've got easy seconds to pick up, but partly you have to be able to shoot with it and have the energy to do it too. For myself, it's almost like the last 50 meters before the embankment, it's nice to get your heart rate down and recover in the race, but you obviously don't have time for that," Samuelsson said.