Anicet Mbida 06:53, February 07, 2023

Anicet Mbida delivers to us every morning what is best in terms of innovation.

This Tuesday, he is interested in an invention for babies.

This is a small sensor that is slipped into the diaper and sends an alert to the phone each time the child needs to be changed.

The innovation of the day is not a baby-phone, but a "pee-phone"!

This is a sensor that warns when it is time to change the baby's diaper.

You can not stop progress !

It is a small sensor that you slip into the diaper.

As soon as it detects pee or popo, it sends an alert to the phone.

As a result, there is no longer any need to rely on its natural sensors.

No more fiddling with the diaper or sticking your nose in it.

It will be more comfortable: you can stay on your phone (as usual) and quietly wait for notifications.

The sensor can even tell the difference between a hard popo and a liquid popo.

This allows you to be better prepared.

And above all… to decide who is going to change the child!

It is serious ?

This is not the first time that this kind of gadget has been announced.

Yes, it is very serious.

It is true that most of the connected diapers, until now, were simply marketing buzz shots or never-released concepts.

But this time, it seems much more serious.

The sensor is designed by researchers at Penn State University in the United States.

A sensor that is reusable, as thin as a sheet of paper and costs only a few cents.

So it works with any layer;

which is essential.

They have signed agreements with several childcare specialists for its marketing.

So yes, we could soon stay permanently connected with our baby's diaper.

Children are not the only ones targeted by this technology.

There are also elderly people in nursing homes in particular.

Many dare not say that their diaper is dirty.

It's not easy for carers either... With a sensor, everything could be done more smoothly.

Until now, it was possible, but only with expensive special diapers.

With this new sensor, it could be extended more easily to more establishments.