The reason why Robin Bryntesson goes backwards is to help Ukraine, which is currently at war after Russia invaded the country just under a year ago.

The 37-year-old is working with a charity and the money will go towards converting tracked wagons into ambulances to evacuate people from areas with difficult terrain.

- There is the symbolism of riding the Vasaloppet backwards.

It can also be a bit tricky.

Bryntesson has not ridden backwards much, but still has no doubts that he will be able to ride nine miles.

- There aren't too many people who think you can make it, but I think the whole team has a good grasp of technique and tactics so I think we'll make it, he says and explains that he will be surrounded by others riders for safety reasons.

The Vasaloppet will be decided this year on March 5.

See what it looks like when Bryntesson goes backwards in the player above.