Anicet Mbida 06:56, January 13, 2023

Anicet Mbida delivers to us every morning what is best in terms of innovation.

This Friday, he is interested in a revolution for future young parents.

This is a baby monitor capable of interpreting the cries of a newborn.

The innovation of the day will make young parents dream.

We will soon market the first baby cry decoder.

A baby monitor capable of interpreting the cries of a newborn.

This is not the first time that we have heard of this kind of tool.

There are even phone apps that claim to do this.

But it's never very serious.

But this time, it's scientists behind it.

The Swiss from ZounDream.

They published the details of their method in a scientific journal.

So it's already a little more rigorous.

In fact, they analyzed hundreds of hours of baby cries.

And discovered that they are universal: whatever the country, whatever the culture, they always mean more or less the same thing (which is logical by the way).

Finally, with artificial intelligence techniques, they discovered that these cries simply corresponded to 4 essential needs: I'm hungry,

But is it reliable?

This is the big question.

So obviously, they announce recognition rates of 95%.

But they are not fooled.

The more samples they have, the more reliable their algorithm will be.

This is why the device will start by being offered for free.

The objective is to validate the technology with experienced parents who are already able to interpret the cries of their babies.

And only then will the device be offered for purchase and the technology will be incorporated into other baby monitors on the market.

It will not replace the parents!

No !

The objective is simply to give new parents some ideas so that they don't find themselves completely helpless in front of their crying baby.

This could prevent them from having the pacifier reflex…