
After Australia's Mitchell Duke scored his first goal in the World Cup, the goal ceremony for his son is heartwarming.

Reporter Kim Min-jung will tell you what the story is.


Australia's Mitchell Duke, who scored the winning goal against Tunisia with a sensuous header, makes the letter 'J' with both hands as he runs towards the broadcasting camera.

Then he blows a hand kiss somewhere in the crowd, and that's where his family is.

The child who mimics the shape of his hand and raises his thumb is the character of the letter 'J', Duke's son, 6-year-old Jackson.

[Mitchell Duke / Australian national team striker: The hand gesture was the letter J, the first letter of his son's name.

He couldn't see it exactly, but apparently his son did the same in the stands.

I will cherish that moment like a treasure for the rest of my life.]

Duke, who wears his son's name on his arm, has been away from his family for most of the past 7 years as he has been traveling in Saudi Arabia and Japan.

So, at this World Cup, which may be the first and last in his life, he decided to invite his family and make memories together. As promised to his son, he shook the net and enjoyed the best moment.

With the hopes of advancing to the round of 16 revived along with the touching story of Duke and his father, Australian fans were enthusiastic, shedding tears of joy and emotion.

(Video editing: Lee Jung-taek, CG: Jo Soo-in)