Nine of the 18 starting crews were faultless in the preliminary round and went on to the jump-off.

Holmén, who won with Sparven in the national arena four years ago, was pitted in the jump-off against, among others, world number one Henrik von Eckermann, Malin Baryard Johnsson and WC runner-up Jerome Guery.

Belgium's Olivier Philippaerts was early in the jump-off and set a strong time, but Holmén bet everything and finally had a margin of victory of 0.78 seconds.

Philippaerts finished second and the legendary John Whitaker third.

"The sparrow, my beautiful sparrow"

In 2018, Holmén and Flip's Little Sparrow won the World Cup in Zurich, together they have achieved great success over the years.

A close-knit duo with strong ties.

- Sparrow, my beautiful Sparrow, that she still just gives everything, it's so much fun.

Lisen and Peder and Astrid who own Sparven are here on site so everything is just perfect, says Holmén who has worked for Peder Fredricson and Lisen Bratt Fredcison for many years.

- Sparrow's mentality and heart and that she loves this just as much as I do, that's what makes her still as good as she is.

More big classes await this weekend, including Sunday's Grand Prix.

Tonight's victory gives confidence.

- Of course a lot, but it's so easy to get a crash in the Grand Prix class, so it was really nice to bring home this win anyway.