Shunsuke Noma, who served as fielder captain in Hiroshima this season, will remain without exercising the right of FA = free agent limited to domestic transfers acquired this season.

Noma acquired the right of FA = free agent only for domestic transfers in August this year, but he had not decided whether to exercise the right.

Since the end of the season, Noma has discussed with the team several times, and has received a direct phone call from Director Arai to stay.

As a result, the team announced on the 21st that Noma would come to terms with the team and remain without exercising his FA rights.

Noma is 29 years old from Hyogo Prefecture.

He is a right-handed outfielder who hits left-handed.

This season, he served as the captain of the fielder, and although he was infected with the new coronavirus and withdrew, he mainly participated in 85 games as the first batter and achieved a batting average of 30%, 1 minute, 2 minutes. left.