Six professional baseball games were played, and Nippon-Ham pitcher Ponce achieved the fifth no-hitter this season.

In addition, Central League leader Yakult beat 2nd place DeNA, widening the game gap to 6.

Pacific League

▽ Orix won 6-0 in Orix vs. Seibu.

Wins: Miyagi pitcher has 9 wins and 6 losses.

Loss: Yoza pitcher 9 wins and 5 losses.

Home run: Orix So player No. 4.

In the 1st inning, Orix took the lead with So's No. 4 Touran, and in the 5th inning, Masanao Yoshida's 2-point timely 2-base added 3 points, and in the 6th inning, Fukuda's timely 3-base extended the lead. I was.

Starting pitcher Miyagi gave up four hits and no four-balls, earning his ninth win in his first professional shutout victory.

Seibu's starting pitcher Yoza collapsed with 6 runs in the 6th inning, and the batting line went silent.

▽ Rakuten won 11 to 3 in Lotte vs. Rakuten.

Winner: Masahiro Tanaka, pitcher 8 wins, 9 losses.

Lose: Romero pitcher 8 wins and 8 losses.

Home run: Rakuten's Daichi Suzuki No. 5.

Lotte Yasuda player No. 4.

In the first inning, Rakuten scored two points with Kofukada's timely three bases.

In the 2nd inning, Kofukada's sacrifice fly scored 1 point, and in the 4th inning, he scored 11 points with 17 hits, including 6 points with five timely hits.

Masahiro Tanaka, the starting pitcher, had 8 hits in the 7th inning, but he gave up 3 runs and won his 8th win.

Lotte's starting pitcher Romero collapsed with 5 runs in the middle of the 4th inning.

▽ Nippon-Ham won 2-0 in Nippon-Ham vs. Softbank.

Wins: Ponce pitcher 3-4.

Loss: Takeda pitcher 2 wins and 1 loss.

Home run: Nippon-Ham, Mannami player No. 13.

In the first inning, Nippon Ham took the lead with Kimura's timely play, and in the second inning, Mannami scored an additional point with No. 13 solo.

The starting pitcher Ponce threw a moving fastball into the in-course and out-course, did not allow the Softbank batting line to hit, and achieved a no-hitter no-run with only two runners, a dead ball and a foreball.

Nippon-Ham stopped the losing streak with a draw at "8".

Softbank could not narrow down the target ball.

Central League

▽ Yakult won 16 to 4 in DeNA vs. Yakult.

Wins: Ogawa pitcher 6 wins and 7 losses.

Loss: Pitcher Ishida has 4 wins and 3 losses.

Home runs: Yakult Kibrehan No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, Osuna No. 15, Santana No. 13, Soshin Uchiyama No. 2, Murakami No. 48.

DeNA Maki player No. 22, Miyazaki player No. 9.

In the 3rd inning, which was 0-1, Yakult scored 3 points with Kiblehan's No. 1 solo and Souma Uchiyama's 2-point timely hit, and in the 4th inning, Murakami's timely hit and Osuna's No. 15 three-run scored 4. Added points.

After that, Kiblehan did not slow down his offense, with 3 home runs in 1 game, 4 hits and 3 RBIs, and Murakami, 5 at bats, 5 hits and 4 RBIs, including No. 48.

Yakult scored 16 points on 23 hits, including 7 home runs.

Ogawa, the starting pitcher, gave up 3 goals in 6 innings and won his 6th win.

DeNA's pitching staff collapsed.

▽ Hiroshima won 6 to 4 in Hiroshima vs. Giants.

Wins: 4 wins for Kemna.

Saves: Kuribayashi has 1 loss and 25 saves.

Lose: Kroll pitcher 1 win, 1 loss, 1 save.

Home runs: Hiroshima/Sakakura player No. 11, Nishikawa player No. 9, Yano player No. 2.

Giant player Nakata No. 16.

In the 8th inning, right after Hiroshima caught up with 4 to 4, Omori got on base with a three-base hit, and pinch hitter Ryosuke Kikuchi scored a timely hit to win the game.

Pitcher Kemuna, who relieved well as the third pitcher, is the fourth win, and pitcher Kuribayashi, who closed the 9th inning with three people, is the 25th save.

The Giants suffered their first loss in Japan when the fifth Kroll pitcher was hit.

▽ In Chunichi vs. Hanshin, Hanshin won 5 to 1.

Win: Fujinami pitcher 2 wins and 2 losses.

Lose: Ogasawara pitcher 6 wins and 8 losses.

In the 1st inning, Hanshin scored 3 points in a timely manner from Rojas, Oyama, and Yamamoto, and added 2 points in the 8th inning with a pushed four-ball and a dead ball.

Fujinami, the starting pitcher, scored his second win with a good pitching of 1 goal in the 7th inning.

In Chunichi, starting pitcher Ogasawara persevered, giving up three runs in the seventh inning, but the batting line was unable to support him.