Why are the European Championships in Munich such a hit?

Because they commemorate the Olympic Games.

The youth of Europe gather for peaceful competition.

What a wonderful idea!

But it's not just the idea that makes Munich 2022 so amazing, but also the place where it will largely be implemented: the Olympic Park.

These 290 hectares are the pride of the city.

They are so perfect that you probably wouldn't even be able to deface them if you were to tell people walking through the park the most stylish dress code in the world of white sausages: lederhosen combined with a Bayern Munich jersey.

The Olympic Park has the super power that you can hide everything, at least for a tiny moment.

And may.

Even that in the days of this peaceful sports festival, Russian tanks roll through Ukraine, Russian missiles fly through Ukraine, Russian soldiers march through Ukraine and kill people.

But there is one thing that the Olympic Park would probably not be able to withstand: the contradictions of the International Olympic Committee (IOC).

The crucial difference

So again, why are the European Championships such a hit?

Because they are reminiscent of the Olympic Games, but they are not the Olympic Games.

That's the crucial difference that those who can't or don't want to see, who now stagger out of the Olympic Park, drunk with love, and want to flirt with the IOC again.

"I hope that these European Championships are a sign that we will again host the Olympic Games in Germany," said Bavarian Minister of the Interior Joachim Herrmann (CSU) of the "Rheinische Post".

But that is the deception of Munich.

What effect does the Olympic Park have if it is not a Bavarian specialty that is sold there, but the product of the IOC sponsor Coca-Cola, which of course you have to pay for with the card from the IOC sponsor VISA?

And how free is one in the city when a lane is blocked by Olympic Lane, which the IOC President and his propaganda parrots use to be chauffeured from mic to mic, where they can then pretend to have Have you completely forgotten how you raved about Vladimir Putin's Olympic Park in Sochi?