Seiya Suzuki of the Major League Cubs made a full appearance on the 29th against the Giants in San Francisco, home of the opponent, with No. 3 and Light, but he did not hit 4 at bats.

The 1st at bat was a third grounder, the 2nd at bat was a strikeout, the 3rd at bat was a missed strikeout, and the 4th at bat was a foul fly to the first.

The Cubs won 4–2.

Yoshitomo Tsutsugo of the Pirates made a full appearance as the designated hitter in the match against the Phillies in Pittsburgh, his home base, and made no hits in four at bats.

The first at-bat was a strikeout, the second at-bat was a missed strikeout, the third at-bat was a light fly, and the fourth at-bat was a strikeout.

The Pirates are on a five-game losing streak after losing 2-4 in 10 innings.

Red Sox pitcher Takuichi Sawamura pitched in the fourth inning in the 9th inning when he was led 1-2 in a game against the Brewers in his hometown of Boston. I lost 2 points with a sacrifice fly and a timely hit.

Sawamura threw the first inning and gave up two goals without winning or losing.

The Red Sox lost 1-4.