Major League Baseball pitcher Hirokazu Sawamura pitched a relief pitch against the Orioles and pitched one time to score one goal, with no win or loss.

On the 27th, pitcher Sawamura pitched in relief with the fifth baseman in the no-out first base and third base scene, where he was able to beat the Orioles 9th inning, 8-9, and 1 point.

He gave a walk to the 4th batter who greeted him, and the bases loaded and the pinch spread.

The next batter was grounded to a second grounder, but then a wild pitch, a sacrifice fly, and a timely hit scored three points.

Pitcher Sawamura threw one hit and was hit with two hits, one walk and one run, and there was no victory or defeat.

The Red Sox failed to defend the 6-point lead and lost 8-12.