Shohei Ohtani of the Major League Baseball Angels started the game against the Rangers and kept the 6th inning to 2 goals, but he did not win the 4th and did not make a hit as a batter.

On the 18th, Otani started the game against the Rangers in Arlington, Texas, on the 6th.

In the first inning, a hit and a walk led to a sudden pinch with 1 out, 1st base and 2nd base, but in the end, he struck out with a sharp cut ball and got through without a goal, and in the 3rd inning, he took two consecutive strikeouts with a curve and a slider. By assembling the pitching around the changing ball, I kept the score to zero in the early stages.

However, in the 4th inning with a 2-point lead, he was hit by a timely hit in front of the left while folding the bat to No. 6 Heim, and was one point behind. He was hit by a timely two-base hit that fell on the line and was tied 2 to 2 and got off the mound this time.

Otani threw 94 balls in the 6th inning and won 2 goals without losing, and the 4th win was carried over.

Six hits were hit, three foreballs and three dead balls in total, and seven strikeouts.

As a batter, 1st at bat is a double play of the first at bat, 4th at bat is a strikeout, 6th at bat is a second at bat, 8th at bat is a third at bat, and 10th extension is a 5th. The turn at bat was a chance for no-out first base and second base, but he struck out a low change ball.

Otani had no hits in 5 at bats, and the hits in consecutive games stopped at "5", and the batting average dropped to 20%, 4 minutes and 7 minutes.

In the game, the Angels won 1 point in the 10th inning in the extra time of the tie-break system with 4 to 4, but the back was hit by a two-run home run and lost the reverse goodbye 5 to 6 with the Rangers. This three-game series was a three-game losing streak.