Anthony Sabini?

bath salts?

Henni night home?

tell you what


Then your permanent whereabouts are already clear.

You can't be Hessian.

Does not matter.

This Wednesday (9 p.m. in the FAZ live ticker for the Europa League and on RTL), however, it may be different.

Then the whole of football Germany will be amazed at Hessen again.

be very jealous.

About a million Frankfurters will then have made their way to Spain, at least it feels like it.

If you count carefully, you will hardly come up with more than 30,000 people who drove, flew, probably swam, rode and cycled to Seville to see their unity in the Europa League final against Glasgow Rangers.

A tough, passionately fought, atmospheric fight is to be expected, the fight of the year between two clubs that eclipse pretty much everything else in Europe's stadiums.

They might even be the two best teams in the world.

Do not you believe?

Well, then turn on the television on Wednesday.

The tactical line-ups of both clubs are already in place.

At kick-off, the coaches rely on around 10,000 players who will be housed in different zones of the stadium.

Experts assume that the eagerly awaited showdown promises top performance even before kick-off.

Both teams are considered to be extremely fond of drinking and singing.

Despite all the enthusiasm, sneaky fouls and excessive pack formations are not to be expected.

But great singing art and other fireworks.

And while 30,000 Hessians are now considered the norm in a Europa League away game, most of the team at home in the old Waldstadion in front of a video wall will create the same atmosphere as it did with the Stones.

Yes, that's right, almost forgot, football is also played in Seville.

Rangers and Eintracht are sending two teams to celebrate football of the year, not up in the stands where the music is playing, but on the grass below.

In the end, one team will have won the pot, plus thirty million euros for Champions League qualification, and the football world will have watched the evening and seen how real football works.

Not like Ibiza Munich, Bayerkreuz Leverkusen or canning ball Leipzig.

But like in Glasgow or Frankfurt.

It's not just about the money there, the big names, mega transfers, Tikitaka and all that junk.

They don't play eleven against eleven.

There 10.011 play against 10.011.

But only if, like in Seville, they no longer allow them into the stadium.