China News Service Client, Beijing, May 5th (Liu Xingchen) A few nights ago, fitness expert Pamela performed live fitness on the short video platform. At the beginning of the broadcast, nearly 300,000 people entered the live broadcast room, which was very popular.

But when netizens found that there was a lack of interaction in the live broadcast room and that Pamela's recorded course was being played, they expressed their dissatisfaction, "how is it recorded" and "can't hold on to it"...

Image source: Screenshot of netizen comments.

  From Liu Genghong's "breaking the circle" to his popularity, to the "rollover" of sports experts' live fitness; from being popular to being questioned, in the past period, "live fitness" has been constantly mentioned.

Do many people have such a question in their hearts about this overnight explosion model: How long can the "live fitness wind" blow?

Image source: Screenshot of Su Bingtian's live fitness video.

Young people's favorite live fitness

  In 2020, at the beginning of the outbreak, Yang Ran (pseudonym), who had undergone 4 months of home isolation, bought a yoga mat online.

Following the courses of fitness software, he started exercising at home, who hardly ever went to the gym on weekdays.

But after returning to get off work, Yang Ran, who came home from work, chose to rest on the bed in a "nest".

It was only recently that the yoga mat that had fallen into dust was taken out by him again.

  "In the end, I still don't have enough self-discipline. No one supervises me, and I don't have the perseverance to persevere." Looking at the courses he had trained in the fitness software before, Yang Ran shook his head helplessly.

Image source: Photo courtesy of the interviewee.

  When talking about the recent live broadcast of fitness, Yang Ran's voice increased several decibels.

"It feels very suitable for me. The music is brisk, and the sports experts can interact with you to exercise together, and the motivation will come." After careful calculation, the slender Yang Ran has been exercising with the live broadcast for nearly 3 weeks.

  "Live fitness is very infectious, and the interaction makes me feel that fat is burning while doing the movements." 23-year-old Sun Tong (pseudonym) smiled shyly.

After learning about Douyin's live fitness classes from a friend, Sun Tong's frequency of using Douyin almost tripled.

"Swing your arms and raise your legs! The fat around your waist is smashed!" She was enjoying it.

Image source: Screenshot of Liu Genghong's Douyin data card.

  When it comes to the popularity of live fitness, I have to mention Liu Genghong's name.

He and his wife created the "Compendium of Materia Medica" version of shuttlecock exercise, which has become a new way of saying hello.

Throughout April, Liu Genghong’s short video social platform has gained more than 50 million followers, and the number of likes in a single live broadcast can reach 120 million. He has been on Weibo’s hot search for nearly 10 times… Behind the data is proof of his influence. .

  In the "Champion Fitness Class" event on the short video platform, the champion coaching team composed of Su Bingtian, Wu Dajing and others explained to netizens how to train arms, legs and relieve pain in the form of live broadcast.

On the evening of April 28, the short track speed skating Winter Olympic champion Wu Dajing's live fitness class ended with laughter. During the live broadcast, his lazy behavior of "fishing" from time to time caused many netizens to ridicule: While we were exercising, Supervise Wu Dajing throughout the process.

Image source: Screenshot of netizen comments.

Live fitness mode, immature

  However, along with the explosion of live fitness, there are also faint pains.

Image source: Screenshot of netizen comments.

  A woman in Wuhan suffered a split corpus luteum after jumping shuttlecock for three days in a row. Many people said that they had pain in their knees and joints after exercising. Some netizens posted pictures of themselves watching live fitness exercises. full of snacks...

  Coupled with the "Pamela Incident", after the rapid popularity of live fitness, although there is a scene of sports carnival to some extent, how many people can appreciate the connotation of scientific sports in it?

Some analysts believe that the development of the live fitness model is not as mature as everyone imagines.

Image source: Screenshot of netizen comments.

  "The continuity of live fitness will not be long." According to Zhao Zhixin, an expert in the field of fitness for many years, with the rapid rise of live fitness, its market has been formed, but how can we explore the fitness model from the perspective of solving health problems? is the future development direction.

  "Thank you very much for Liu Genghong's appearance. In the current epidemic environment, it can bring a new way of fitness." In Zhao Zhixin's view, national fitness cannot be achieved overnight, and groups of all ages have different needs for fitness.

The emergence of live fitness has raised the society's awareness of fitness, which is undoubtedly a positive signal.

Data map: The gym uses live teaching to guide netizens to exercise.

Photo by Yang Huafeng

  When talking about whether live fitness will become a new outlet in the future fitness field, Zhao Zhixin used the phrase "one wave overtakes one wave".

  "At present, many people participate in live fitness out of a fun mentality, not from the perspective of their own health. There are many concepts of fitness, and doing it in a single way may explode for a while, but when everyone thinks it's boring, This model will be forgotten." Speaking of this, Zhao Zhixin seemed a little helpless.

  How to develop more fitness methods that can solve problems in the market according to the needs of different age groups is something that all walks of life need to consider in the future.

"Fitness is a lifetime thing," Zhao Zhixin said.

Data map: Young people are exercising at home.

Photo by Zhong Wei

  Indeed, at the moment when the epidemic has not dissipated, it is already a success to be able to drive everyone to participate in fitness.

However, from the perspective of long-term development, further expanding the number of people of all ages participating in fitness and creating diversified fitness methods for groups with different needs are also the top priorities for the sustainable development of the fitness field in the future.

  In front of the camera, Liu Genghong was preparing for the courses he needed to use during the live broadcast, while Yang Ran and Sun Tong were still exercising with sports experts.

Under the influence of uncertain factors such as the epidemic, the whole society continues to explore new models of fitness, and the reality is like a mirror reflecting the Chinese fitness industry - there is still a long way to go.
