Orix, a professional baseball player, announced that it has won Joe McCarthy, who played in 3A under the Giants of Major League Baseball last season and marked a batting average of 30% and 15 home runs, in order to strengthen the batting line. ..

According to the team's announcement, McCarthy is 28 years old from the United States.

He is 1 meter 91 centimeters tall and is a long-hit left batter.

He played for a 3A team under the Giants of the Major Leagues last season, with a batting average of 30%, 15 home runs and 55 RBIs.

Orix's batting average by the 22nd is sluggish at 10%, 9 minutes and 2 minutes, which is the only 10% level in the 12 teams, and strengthening the batting line is an issue in aiming for consecutive championships.

Junichi Fukura, general manager of ORIX, said, "Given the team situation, we need a long hitting ability. Since the pitcher is working hard, we have to take action early, so we decided to win."

It is undecided when McCarthy will come to Japan.