What exactly is it about sport that we love so much?

I suddenly think of Dr.

Thomas Bach a.

I know that doesn't go down well with everyone.

The Olympic family that he chairs, the International Olympic Committee (IOC), is constantly under criticism and constantly has to defend itself against any accusations.

I'll just break a lance for the IOC - and for their charismatic leader a foil as well, after all he was an Olympic champion in fencing back when people in Germany still knew what that was, keyword Emil Beck.

It is undeniable that Germany has not only produced many poets and thinkers, but also a flawless IOC President in 2013.

So far, it hasn't been enough just for a president at FIFA, the world governing body of football.

But it can still be, because Rainer Koch will now leave the German Football Association after successful years, and of course the Bavarian is called to higher tasks.

But on topic.

Whenever everyone clicks on Dr.

Bach, then I say: do you actually have any idea how much this man works?

The future also lies in golf

I don't know exactly, but if I trust my imagination, I can tell you: He works incredibly hard.

Do you know Scrooge McDuck?

The richest duck in the world?

So I imagine Dr.

Bach in front.

How he bathes in his money store in Lausanne-Entenhausen for several hours every day and counts dollar bills.

Surely he wants to surpass Duck's fabulous wealth.

His cash assets are said to be 788,423,000,017.16 thalers, other sources assume nine fantasticatillions, others again several centrifugalillions of dollars, i.e. insignificantly more than Bach and the IOC with the games at the sports friends in Sochi and Beijing, in Russia and China , have earned.

But don't think that counting money is the end of it.

The IOC has brought the whole world together to provide it with sport and peace.

241 team abbreviations are on offer, including TUV for Tuvalu and SWZ for Eswatini, which the IOC President has to learn by heart.

And memorizing doesn't get easier with age, I know what I'm talking about.

You see dr.

Bach is very busy.

And one more thing.

As IOC President, he also has to practice servants several hours a day and rehearse ingratiating phrases in Russian and Chinese, well, maybe not exactly Russian.

But Arabic, because as everyone knows, the future of selling sporting goods is not only in China, but also in the Gulf, where it is well known that there are lots of Saudi billions and petroleums to be tapped for money storage.