Seiya Suzuki of the Major League Baseball Cubs made a full appearance against the Rockies on the 14th, hitting a timely hit and scoring 5 RBIs in a row.

Suzuki, who has hit in all five games since the opening and scored nine RBIs in the last four games, will play against the Rockies in the opponent's hometown, Denver, Colorado on the 14th, and will start in "No. 5 Light". bottom.

Suzuki entered the turn at bat with a chance of 1 out and 3rd base in the first time, leading 2 points, and caught the slider of the 4th ball and hit a timely two-base hit, scoring 5 games in a row.

He had a short ground ball in his second at-bat in the third inning, but remained on base due to an error.

He had a second fly in the third at bat in the sixth inning and a strikeout in the fourth at bat in the eighth inning.

Suzuki has 1 hit and 1 RBI in 4 at bats, and the batting average is 30%, 6 minutes and 8 RBIs.

The Cubs won the match 5-2.