The men's national handball team has gathered for the first time since Martin Boquist had to leave his position as assistant national team captain.

The Swedish Handball Association used a termination clause and the decision was made after an evaluation of the latest championship - EC 2022 - where it became Swedish gold.

It all created a lot of attention, but it is a decision that national team captain Glenn Solberg is behind.

- It is as I have said all the way, I have no mandate to either hire or fire anyone, it is the handball association that has it but at the same time I disclaim no responsibility and I support the decision and take my responsibility in it.

I look forward to choosing my nearest pillar and it is extremely important for me to have someone who supports me and believes in my leadership, says Glenn Solberg.

Was there a conflict or cooperation problem with Martin?

- Martin and I have not had any conflict in that way.

We have had three good championships together and Martin has many good qualities.

We have not had any conflict.

Hope to have a replacement ready soon

Martin Boquist has been part of the Swedish men's national team as assistant national team captain since 2016, first to Kristján Andrésson and then to Glenn Solberg.

Solberg says that an employment process is underway and it is hoped to complete it as soon as possible.

- I want to look ahead and am happy to be part of choosing my nearest pillar.

I'm looking forward to it.

I have full focus on development and how we can become the best possible national team and be involved in developing Swedish handball.

That is my mission and I try to do it in the best possible way and in the way I can and believe in, he says.

SVT broadcasts Sweden-Denmark in SVT1 // Play starting at 15.50 on Saturday.