Patrik Järbyn managed to break all previous records in the Masters of the Masters.

In the classic branch "hunter's rest" he beat the former record holder Frida Hansdotter.

26 minutes and 7 seconds - there it stopped for the 52-year-old.

- It hurt.

I had to dig damn deep to find strength, says Järbyn in the program.

But the fact remains.

When Frida Hansdotter 2020, broke the previous record, host Micke Leijnegard said she could give up - no one would even be close to breaking her record.

Hints for a duel

The question now is how long the former alpine skier could really have stood?

- Both André and I got up, who knows if we could have doubled, she writes in a text message to SVT Sport.

Hansdotter is impressed with Patrik Järbyn's record.

- Awesome good by Patrik.

He goes on to show that former alpine skiers are really good at hunting rest.

It may take an alpine duel to see who is really the best.

But she also emphasizes that both have a long way to go before the "real" world record.

- The world record is well in eleven hours so we have a lot to work on there.