In some environments, unhealthy behaviors are normalized without anyone protesting.

Cassandra Pettersson, an elite gymnast in rhythmic gymnastics, has been diagnosed with anorexia nervosa, an eating disorder that means that the sufferer weighs less than what is healthy for height and age.

Cassandra believes that her eating disorder was initiated by coach comments from an early age

- I felt worse and worse because I gained a little weight.

I heard that pretty soon.

I was told: "I see how you look, I see how your body changes, what are you doing?".

I did not answer, I just stood there and got an hour's scolding, says Cassandra Pettersson in SVT's documentary series "Eaten".

- Pig was also called.

"May mean lying"

Susanne Johansson, sports researcher at the School of Gymnastics and Sports, about elite athletes who do everything in their power to become the best in their sport:

- They go quite far to defend their coach and what you yourself think you have to do to perform.

It can mean lying or hiding things from their parents or their surroundings because they can not be understood.

In elite sports, it is completely logical, because that is how you do it, that is how you become the best and that is the norm, she says.

- With the results in hand, when you can see the whole scenario and the consequences, everyone can see what went wrong.

But when you are in the middle of it and have no power, it is difficult to have that perspective, says Susanne Johansson, sports researcher at the School of Gymnastics and Sports.

"Helping them"

Today, Cassandra Pettersson herself struggles to pass on healthy values ​​to young gymnasts that she trains.

- I was more of a soldier when I was that age.

There are girls who come here to train and have fun.

Some have high goals and some have less high goals.

- I try to be the opposite than what my coaches were against me;

kind, say no offensive comments and help them with their goals that they set themselves.

The documentary series "Eating Disorder" consists of three episodes that are released once a week.

Premiere in SVT Play is April 3 and in SVT1 April 7.