Yoshitomo Tsutsugo of the Major League Baseball Pirates started in the opening game against the Cardinals and hit two hits.

Tsutsugo, who is in the third year of the Major League Baseball, started in the 4th and first match against the Cardinals in St. Louis, the opponent's home base.

He was the center liner in the first at bat in the second inning, but in the second at bat in the fourth inning, which was led 0-4, he brought it to the center in the scene of 1 out first base and hit the first hit of the season.

He also hit two at-bats in a row before the left in the third at-bat seven times.

He was sent a pinch hitter in nine at-bats and retired, and the opening round was two hits in three at bats.

Pirates lost 0-9.

Tsutsugo "A completely different opening game"

After the match, Tsutsugo said, "It was a completely different opening game. My body changed, my heart changed, and everything changed, which is completely different from last year. I wonder if it's going well. I've only finished one match, so I'd like to build up one by one. "