Seiya Suzuki of the Cubs hit two hits in the batting practice of the actual battle style on the 19th, the second day of the camp confluence.

Suzuki signed a five-year contract with the Cubs and participated in the camp practice after having a press conference the day before, and on the 19th, the second day of the merger, practiced batting in a practical manner.

The first turn at bat defeated the middle left by catching the fifth ball after being driven in a match against pitcher Thompson on the right arm.

The second at bat was a strikeout, but the third at bat carried the curve of pitcher Wick on the right arm in front of the left, and the fourth at bat was a strikeout.

Suzuki said about his response to the major league pitchers, "I still haven't been able to keep up with the fastball, but I think it's a little better than yesterday."

I haven't decided when I'll be in the open race yet, but after the practice I watched the team's open race and said, "It's still the second day, but my teammates are having a lot of fun and kindness. I don't think I'm too impatient. However, I still want to get into the game early, so I want to make adjustments as soon as possible while practicing various things. "