[Commentary] On March 2, the "'hydrogen' clean fire" and "civilization fire" of the Beijing 2022 Winter Paralympics completed the fire collection ceremony in Zhangjiakou.

  [Explanation] On the morning of the same day, at the East Gate Square of the "Chuangba" Park in Qiaodong District, Zhangjiakou City, after the fire-collecting device was started, the photovoltaic power generation system connected to the starting column was slowly filled with electricity, and the blue-white water droplet-shaped ball automatically opened. The hydrogen-fueled fire-mining device was successfully ignited to generate "'hydrogen' clean fire".

  Afterwards, the tinder lamp entered the field, and the tinder guard used a igniter to introduce the tinder into the tinder lamp, and handed the torch to Wu Weidong, member of the Standing Committee of the Hebei Provincial Party Committee and secretary of the Zhangjiakou Municipal Party Committee. Wu Weidong lit the torch and handed it over to Li Fuyu, the first torchbearer. Torch and salute to the surroundings, the audience cheered enthusiastically.

  [Concurrent] Beijing 2022 Winter Paralympics Torchbearer Li Fuyu

  Passing the torch not only conveys the Chinese nation's self-improvement character, but also conveys the dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the Olympic spirit.

  [Concurrent] Beijing 2022 Winter Paralympics Torchbearer Guo Lingling

  Winning glory for the country can let the Chinese people see their tenacious and self-reliant fighting spirit.

  [Explanation] At the same time, the "Fire of Civilization" was collected and delivered in Zhuolu Yellow Emperor City, Zhangjiakou.

"The Yellow Emperor fought Chiyou in the wild of Zhuolu" recorded in "Historical Records" is this place.

The collection of "fire of civilization" in Huangdi City symbolizes the tolerance, absorption, integration, and mutual learning of Chinese civilization.

The design of the fire collection and fire platform reflects the scene of ancient humans striking the fire to take fire. The earth cubes built with different colors form three steps, and the overall shape is square, which means "the sky is round and the place is round".

Zhao Zhihai, director of the Academic Committee of Zhangjiakou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, known as the "father of hybrid millet", is the fire-picker.

  [Concurrent] Beijing 2022 Winter Paralympics Torchbearer Li Weiguo

  I am very honored to be able to participate in the relay activities of these torchbearers this time. I am proud of the prosperity of this motherland and the continuous improvement of our comprehensive national strength.

  [Explanation] On the same day, the fire seed collection ceremony for the Beijing 2022 Winter Paralympic Games was held at multiple fire seed collection sites in the three competition areas of Beijing, Yanqing and Zhangjiakou.

For the Beijing 2022 Winter Paralympic Games city fire collection, a total of 9 city fires were collected, which were collected from the spiritual birthplace of the disabled sports - Mandeville, England, and 8 cities in the three competition areas of Beijing, Yanqing and Zhangjiakou. Tinder.

  Chen Shiyu, Zhang Jing, Chang Biao, Zhangjiakou

Responsible editor: [Fang Jialiang]