On the first stretch, Russia's Alexei Chervotkin cracked the field after the first lap, 3.5 km, and then extended into the heavy snowfall.

At the change, Chervotkin was 23 seconds ahead of Germany's Janosch Brugger, who was just ahead of Italy's Federico Pellegrino.

Oskar Svensson was with the cluster that chased Tjervotkin up to seven kilometers but then went into the wall and switched as ninth, 1.01 after the lead on the distance which was exactly 10515 meters, extra heavy "extra meters" for the tired Svensson.

- That's the worst thing I've done.

Had to fight all the way and gave everything I had.

It felt great on the last lap then it just hit the top, says Oskar Svensson. 

Norway's Emil Iversen was four, 34 seconds from the lead.