Oavsett hur det slutar i OS ser det ut som att Nils van der Poel kommer att avsluta säsongen där bland annat VM och SM ska avgöras.

Men huruvida det blir ett OS om fyra år återstår att se. Van der Poel är själv tveksam. Det berättar han i SVT-dokumentären Nils van der Poel – dåre eller geni?.

– Jag tror inte OS blir det sista jag gör som skridskoåkare. Oavsett om jag åker internationella tävlingar efter OS så kommer jag åka för att det är kul.

Har du ett till OS i dig?

- I do not think so at present.

I did not think so when I was 18 either, but I have done one Olympics and will do another soon.

I'm not that good at quitting.

"This is just sports"

He currently sees it as unlikely that he will remain in the world of sports.

- In the end, this is just sports and after a while we are just clowns who go around in circles.

If you want to become something more as a human being, I think it's time for a new environment where you become something more.

Then I am grateful for what Sports Sweden has done for me and I wish others can experience it as well.

I think I can contribute to something positive but I do not feel that I want to dedicate my life to it in the near future.

Watch the entire documentary here.