中新社记者 毛建军 摄

  中新网客户端北京2月4日电(记者 李赫)4日晚的北京冬奥会开幕式上,奥林匹克五环旗帜由六名护旗手护送,缓缓步入场中。他们不仅在此刻全程护送五环旗帜在“双奥之城”升起,更曾在中国冬季运动一路走来中奋勇前行,带领中国冰雪向一段又一段“零”的历史挥手作别。

2月2日,第一棒火炬手、中国首位速滑世界冠军罗致焕在火炬传递中。 中新社记者 李纯 摄













On February 24, 2006, Han Xiaopeng won the first gold medal in history for China in the men's freestyle skiing aerial skills competition at the Turin Winter Olympics. gold medal.

Photo by Wu Zhonglin issued by China News Agency

Han Xiaopeng

——Farewell, the history of China's snow sports Winter Olympics without gold

  In the 2006 Turin Winter Olympics, Han Xiaopeng won the gold medal in the freestyle skiing men's aerial skills with a score of 250.77, breaking the monopoly of European and American athletes and achieving a "zero breakthrough" in the gold medals of Chinese snow sports and men's events at the Winter Olympics!

  At the moment of winning the gold medal, Han Xiaopeng was stunned. He said, "I have never won a gold medal in a world competition. I didn't expect that the first gold medal in a world competition would be an Olympic gold medal. I really wasn't ready."

  The "Prince of Dark Horse" was born, and China's snow sports deservedly said to the history of the Winter Olympics without medals: "Farewell, zero!"

Chinese players Shen Xue and Zhao Hongbo won the championship in the figure skating pair free skating competition at the Vancouver Winter Olympics.

Photo by China News Agency reporter Sheng Jiapeng

Shen Xue

——Farewell, the history of China's figure skating Winter Olympics gold medal "zero"

  In the 2002 Salt Lake City Winter Olympics, Chinese figure skating stars Shen Xue and Zhao Hongbo jointly won the bronze medal in figure skating pair skating, which was the first medal won by Chinese pair skating at the Winter Olympics.

At the World Championships in the same year, they were crowned world champions for the first time.

  But at a critical moment in preparation for the 2006 Turin Winter Olympics, Zhao Hongbo ruptured his Achilles tendon and almost came back at the whistle. They won a bronze medal and once again missed the highest Olympic podium.

  In 2010, the Vancouver Winter Olympics, the two were already veritable veterans.

Desire for gold brought them back after a brief farewell to the ice.

Finally, 32-year-old Shen Xue and 37-year-old Zhao Hongbo hung the gold medal in figure skating pair skating around each other's necks.

  This pair of "figure skating legends" made Chinese figure skating deserve to say to the world: "Farewell, Zero!"

The picture shows Vancouver Winter Olympic champion Zhang Hui displaying the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics torch.

Photo by China News Agency reporter Jiang Hui

Zhang Hui

——Farewell, the history of the Chinese women's 3000m relay event without the Winter Olympics

  At the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics, 22-year-old Zhang Hui, Wang Meng, Zhou Yang and Sun Linlin formed the "Four Golden Flowers" of Chinese women's short track speed skating.

  In the short track speed skating women's 3000-meter relay final of the Olympic Games, although the Chinese team composed of "Four Golden Flowers" crossed the finish line second, the Korean team's blocking foul was cancelled, and the Chinese team lost and regained the gold medal.



2014年索契冬奥会速度滑冰张虹夺金,帮助中国粉碎34年魔咒,拿到速滑首金。中新社发 富田 摄




