The first place of sumo wrestling is Chunichi, the 8th day.

Sekiwake's Mitakeumi defeated Komusubi's Daieishō to win eight straight games, and only one person decided to win in Chunichi.

It is a victory or defeat after entering the middle.

▽ Juryo Kotoshoho won by Kotoshoho.

▽ Kotonowaka is pushed out to Aoiyama.

▽ Wang Peng sticks out to Ichiyamamoto.

▽ Toyoyama is close to Kaisei.

▽ In Wakamotoharu, Ishiura is struck by Wakamotoharu.

▽ Kotoe Mitsu won the Sadanoumi by pushing it down.

▽ Tochinoshin is close to Tochinoshin.

▽ Chiyo Tairyu is extruded by Chiyo Tairyu.

▽ Chiyomaru is sent down to the sky sea by Chiyomaru.

▽ Takarafuji hits Shimanoumi into Takarafuji.

▽ Hoshoryu is close to Abi.

Abi lost 2 in a row.

▽ Abu Saki is sent down to Chiyo no Kuni.

Chiyo no Kuni is losing.

▽ Shozaru is close to Chiyoshoma.

▽ Tamawashi is pushed out to Hokutofuji.

▽ Wakatakakage is pushed down by Wakatakakage at Ichinojo.

▽ Mt. Kiriba pushed down Akio.

▽ Mitakeumi won by pushing out to Daieishō, and only one person decided to win with eight consecutive victories from the first day.

▽ Ura takes a step toward Takanosho's victory.

▽ Masayo Ozeki and Masayo Endo are close to each other.

▽ Yokozuna Terunofuji won the Okinoumi Ayumi with a close-knit victory and defended one defeat.

The first place is after the 8th day, Mitakeumi is the winner and Terunofuji is the 1st defeat.

Lux talk

新入幕の若元春は4勝目を挙げ、「いい相撲を取れている。星が伸びなくてもいいと思って気楽に取っている」と話していました。また、16日から締めた新しい化粧まわしは、祖父で元小結 若葉山の化粧まわしを再現していて、「小さい頃からかっこいいと思う化粧まわしで、憧れだった」とうれしそうでした。




ただ1人、中日で勝ち越しを決めた関脇 御嶽海は「最高ですね。まだまだ終わっていないので、体のメンテナンスもして後半戦の白星につなげていきたい」と話しました。また、今場所は相手に攻め込まれても、その後、押し返して勝つ相撲が多いことについて、「負けちゃいけないという思いが今場所は強い」と精神的にも充実している様子でした。

宇良は関脇 隆の勝に「足取り」で勝って星を五分に戻し、「流れに乗ることができたと思う。いまがいちばんふんばりどきですね」と述べました。また、上位との対戦が続いた前半戦について、「人間はこんなに強いんだと感じた」と話していました。

Although Masayo Ozeki stopped the losing streak at 3, he recalled about the sumo wrestling for the past few days, saying, "I felt like I couldn't finish it because I was halfway through the meeting."

After that, he said, "If things get better from here. I want to be able to attack."

Terunofuji Yokozuna defended one defeat and said, "I think I was able to calmly take sumo. My physical condition is not bad so far."

When asked about the winning Mitakeumi, he answered, "I'm just focusing on my sumo, so I'm not thinking about it."