Novak Djokovic will be allowed to play in the Australian Open after receiving a medical exemption, the organizer confirms.

The 34-year-old, who has refused to say whether he has been vaccinated, gets the chance to defend the title.

But it is not without critical voices being raised against the decision.

“People with loved ones who die / need emergency care cannot enter their own states.

You tell people that they can not go to the store or a café without being vaccinated, but if you are world number one, is it okay?

It's a fucking shame. ", Writes for example the former Australian football player Corey McKernan on Twitter.

"Waiting for proof"

The issue of Djokovic's exemption has now reached all the way to Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison, who says he and his colleagues will look into the matter.

"We are waiting for the presentation and the evidence that he will share with us, which will prove that he has the right to an exemption," he said at a press conference earlier today, quoted by foreign news agencies, and continued:

- If the evidence is insufficient, then he will not be treated differently than anyone else, but then he will have to sit on the next floor home.

There should be no special rules for Novak Djokovic.

Not at all.