In November 1951, the first set of broadcast gymnastics in the People's Republic of China was announced.

The first set of broadcast gymnastics movements is very simple, and there is basically only one movement in a section.

Since the release of the first broadcast gymnastics, China has successively promulgated nine adult broadcast gymnastics.

In 1998, the Ministry of Education organized the first set of broadcast gymnastics for primary and middle school students in response to the needs of different educational systems and different age groups for the physical and mental development of students, followed by the second and third sets in 2002 and 2008.

In recent years, the pattern versions of broadcast gymnastics have become more and more abundant, reflecting the distinctive regional characteristics and the characteristics of the times.

Elements such as Dunhuang dance, Mongolian dance, Guozhuang dance, Tai Chi, basketball, and hula hoops are also incorporated into radio gymnastics.

In the 70 years of radio gymnastics, from the first set to the ninth set, from simple movements to rich patterns, let us look back together and find our own memories.

(Producing Sui Zhiyuan)

Editor in charge: [Wang Kai]