On the 10th day of the Sumo Kyushu Basho, Yokozuna and Terunofuji defeated Hoshoryu in the flat curtain to win the only victory, while Ozeki and Takakeishō lost and enjoyed the first black star.

It is a victory or defeat after entering the middle.

▽ Toyoyama is struck by the sky sea.

▽ Tochinoshin Tsuyoshi is close to Tochinoshin.

▽ Ishiura sent out to Mt. Shoho.

Shohozan has lost.

▽ Hokutofuji overcame Sadanoumi by Hokutofuji.

▽ Terutsuyoshi pushes down Chiyomaru.

▽ Hidenoumi pushes out Teru to Hidenoumi.

▽ Kotoeko is pushed out to Chiyo no Kuni.

▽ Abi defended 1 defeat by Abi sticking out to Shosaru.

▽ Ura wins Kotonowaka with Ura's shoulder.

▽ Shimanoumi is pushed out by Chiyotairyu.

▽ Aoiyama overcame Tamawashi with Tamawashi sticking out.

▽ Chiyoshoma is paid by Chiyoshoma to Endo.

▽ The sea of ​​Okinoumi is struck by Takanosho.

▽ Wakatakakage is struck by Daieishō.

▽ Ichinojo sent out Koyui and Ichinojo to Myogiryu.

Myogiryu has lost.

▽ Abu Saki pushes Abu Saki down on Mt. Kiriba.

▽ Takarafuji Sekiwake and Mitakeumi are close to Takarafuji.

Mitakeumi is retreating to 2 losses.

▽ Ozeki and Masayo won Takayasu by pushing out.

▽ Ozeki / Takakeishō Sekiwake / Meisei is pushed out by Meisei.

Takakeishō is now the first black star in the place.

▽ Yokozuna and Terunofuji won the Hoshoryu with Terunofuji.

Yokozuna and Terunofuji won the sumo wrestling Kyushu place for 10 consecutive victories.