Sumo Kyushu place is the 9th day.

Yokozuna Terunofuji and Ozeki Takakeishō both won, and from the first day, they won 9 consecutive victories.

It is a victory or defeat after entering the middle.

▽ To Kagayaki, Akua Shoma won by throwing.

▽ Tochinoshin is close to Shohozan.

▽ Toyoyama leans over the sea of ​​Sada.

▽ Kaisei Ichirō Hokutofuji is the 7th win with Hokutofuji pushing out.

▽ Terutsuyoshi sticks out to Chiyo no Kuni.

▽ Abi to Chiyotairyu decided to win by Abi winning withdrawal.

▽ Tobizaru Masaya is close to Chiyomaru.

▽ Ishiura throws Ishiura poorly at Kotoe Mitsu.

Kotoe Mitsu has lost.

▽ Chiyoshoma is handed over to Kotonowaka.

▽ Ura is the 7th win for Aoiyama with Ura's shoulder.

▽ Tamawashi is the 7th win by pushing out Tamawashi to Hidenoumi.

▽ Shimanoumi is pushed out to Takarafuji.

▽ Takanosho won by pushing out Takanosho to Myogiryu.

▽ The sea of ​​Okinoumi is pushed out by Daieishō.

▽ Mt. Kiriba is thrown at Wakatakakage.

▽ Abu Saki is pushed out to Ichinojo.

▽ Meisei over Mitakeumi, Mitakeumi won by a close margin and decided to win.

▽ Takakeishō Ozeki over Hoshoryu won 9 consecutive victories from the first day, with Takakeishō winning by pushing out.

▽ Endo is pushed down by Masayo Ozeki.

Masayo is the 4th defeat.

▽ Yokozuna Terunofuji is the 9th straight win for Takayasu, with Terunofuji winning in a close-knit manner.

After the 9th day in Kyushu, Terunofuji Yokozuna and Takakeishō Ozeki are lined up for 9 consecutive victories.