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Sports Mug's Sports Yasa talk program 'By mouth-to-mouth sports'!

Sports Mug reporter Choi Hee-jin and sports reporter Kwon Jong-oh, who has been a sports reporter for 31 years, will introduce the strange and bizarre things that happened in sports in the past.

This episode is the story of the absurd mistake of the organizers in the Olympic women's gymnastics competition.

Athletes fell while landing in the vault in the women's individual all-around final at the 2000 Sydney Olympics.

At first, I was just wondering about the unusually many landing mistakes, but then I found out that there was an absurd reason behind it.

The International Gymnastics Federation, which hosted the event, incorrectly set the height of the chopping board 5cm lower than the rule.

Since the height of the board was lower than usual, the jumping ability and jumping height of the players had to be lowered, which led to a landing error.

A number of players have suffered damage due to the absurd mistakes of the organizers.

There were even players who fell and got injured while landing, resulting in poor grades due to landing errors.

Byeolbyeol Sports talks about the situation of the women's gymnastics competition at the 2000 Sydney Olympics, which was stained by the International Gymnastics Federation's mistake.

(Writing/Composition: Heejin Choi, Video coverage: Jaeyoung Lee and Junsik Choi, Editing: Yonghee Jung, Design: Jihye Jang)