In Round 4 of the Major League Baseball World Series, the Braves defeated the Astros 3-2, scoring 3 wins and 1 loss, leaving one more win to win the World Series.

The team that wins four World Series will be the champion.

Round 4 took place on the 30th in Atlanta, home of the Braves with 2 wins and 1 loss.

The Braves chased two points in the sixth inning, with Riley's timely one-point difference, and in the following seven innings, Swanson and Soler's consecutive home runs made a comeback.

The Braves were a six-man pitcher relay who held the Astros down to two points, including Altuve's home run, and won 3-2.

The Braves, who scored 3 wins and 1 loss, have one more win to win the World Series.

Round 5 will take place in Atlanta on the 31st.